As a practice we are convinced that using online services is the best way for us to quickly understand and then manage our patients health problems and needs.
We recommend that our patients use our Online Service service as the best way to contact our surgery to seek advice and request appointments. It is simple to use, it puts an end to sitting in long phone queues as well as ensuring that we can respond as quickly as is needed to whatever medical concerns or requirements that you have.
There is a small range of specific nurse appointments you can make on the NHS App. However it does allow you to access our Online Service by clicking their ‘Advice’ link and then their ‘Ask your GP for medical advice’ link which then allows you to request a GP or Nurse appointment. The NHS App continues to have a number of key features such as ordering repeat prescriptions, access to your health records, etc.
Patient Access can no longer be used to arrange appointments to see GP’s or our Nurses. However it can still be used to order repeat prescriptions as well as providing access to your health records.
To find out more information about each of our Practice Online Services please click on the links below.